The Assembly Started in a Very Small Community Centre
In March of 2000, Rev. Chris Julien and Frank Gangaram, associate pastor and deacon, respectively, at Erin Mills Holiness Church of God, along with their wives and children felt the call of God to plant an assembly in the Mississauga area east of Erin Mills Parkway & West of Dixie Road.
The assembly started in a very small community centre complex on Credit View and the founders chose the name Calvary Gospel Temple. They met regularly on Friday nights in various homes for prayer and fellowship. As the attendance grew the group rented space in the newly minted Frank McKechnie community centre on Bristol Place in Mississauga. By 2005 they had outgrown the centre and that led them to this present location at 290 Traders Blvd which has now become our home. Attendance peaked in 2007 to approx 150 and the Board decided to change the church name to Calvary Worship Centre.
With all Departments fully functional the church was poised for further growth. However in May 2008, the pastor and some departmental leaders decided that it was time for them to move on. The remaining members carried on as they felt that God was not done with the work in Missisauga just yet. For the next eight months, under the leadership of the Secretary/ treasurer, Frank Gangaram, and deacon Fazal Karim, Calvary Worship Centre continued to search for a new pastor. After interviewing several candidates the church board voted for Pastor Richard Rupnarain to begin on January 1, 2009.
Since that time, the church has continued its forward movement, not because of our doing but because the Lord is building his church and has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Our youth and christian eductation deparment is once again active as are the men’s ministries, ladies ministries, ushering and missions, all with the one goal of reaching the lost, while supporting each other spritually, emotionally and physically in service for Jesus Christ. Our job is far from done, but we are now better poised for executing our mandate. We are trusting God to build his church and would love for you to become a part of its history.