Biblically Sound: the content of our singing and praying and welcoming and preaching will always conform to the truth of Scripture. God’s Word is the ground of all our appeal to authority. (Isaiah 40:8)
Head and Heart: Our service will appeal to clear thinking about spiritual things, and seek to kindle hearts with deep, strong, real emotions towards God with these truths. (Matthew 22:37)
Reality: Our services will have the atmosphere of a radically personal encounter with the God of truth. We will avoid all pretenses and posturing, all flippant, superficial frivolity. We will pursue reverence, passion, and wonder. (Psalm 96)
Transparency: We want all stage participants to disappear and allow the greatness of God to shine through. Our trust is in our Message, not ourselves as messengers. We actively avoid shoddiness and lack of preparation as well as distracting finesse or refinement. (Psalm 115:1)
Contemporary and Traditional: We celebrate different time periods of musical expression, not for the sake of appeasing demographics, but to show how the glory of God transcends personal taste. (Matthew 13:52)
If you feel called to serve worship or media and technical support, please speak with one of our praise and worship leaders. Both of these ministries are serving together as the overall worship ministry.